Langkong, Jumriah, Nandi K Sukendar, and Zulfikar Ihsan. “STUDI PEMBUATAN MINUMAN ISOTONIK BERBAHAN BAKU AIR KELAPA TUA (COCOS NICIFERA L) DAN EKSTRAK BELIMBING WULUH (AVVERHOA BILIMBI L) MENGGUNAKAN METODE STERILISASI NON-THERMAL SELAMA PENYIMPANAN: (Study Of Making Isotonic Drinks Based Raw Old Coconut Water (Cocos Nucifera L) And Extract Of Star Fruit (Avverhoa Bilimbi L) By Using Sterilization Non-Thermal For Storage)”. Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary Journal 1, no. 1 (July 20, 2018): 53–62. Accessed April 20, 2024.