The article is written using Microsoft Word with a font 12 of Times New Roman. It is suggested to set up the document in the Paragraph toolbar as follows: select Auto for the spacing of Before and After; select Single for the Line Spacing; and select Left for the Alignment.

The article structure of AgroTechno journal as follows: title, authors, affiliations and emails, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (optional), references, and appendix (optional).

The Title is in Indonesian language with an English translation underneath by using a Title Case. Authors and their affiliations are written underneath the Title by using Title Case.

The Abstract is written in English with a restriction of 300 words in a single paragraph. It describes a short summary of the research, which mentions the background, the aims, the methods, the results, and the benefits of the research. Immediately after the Abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords which are separated by using commas.

The Introduction section is written by using Sentence Case. It starts by presenting the reasons for conducting the research, followed by literature reviews, and finished with research’s aims.

The Methods section is written by using Sentence Case. The purpose of this section is to explain how the research is conducted. In employing standard methods, it is enough to mention the name of the standard methods without any further details. For example, the written of a formula of Linear Regression is not necessary. Another example, it is not required to write down the processes of standard measurements. In the case of using methods based on references, it is enough to refer to the sources. For employing plentiful instruments, only mention those which play important roles in the research. For the modification of math formulas, such as differential, integral, etc., it is enough to mention the final result. However, it should be accompanied with the explanation of all of variables, parameters, constants, index, and symbols together with their units. For the sketches/diagrams of instruments, processes, or systems, explain only the main parts.

The Results and Discussion section is written by using Sentence Case. This section displays the results of the research clear and concisely. It also discusses the logic behind the Results of the research and explores the significance of the Results. This could include the achievement of the research’s aims.

The Conclusion is written by using Sentence Case and emphasizes the achievement stage of the research’s aims.

The References List is written by using Sentence Case. Each reference is written in one line and the list is sorted alphabetically. The preference is to include references with ISSN or ISBN.

proposed articles are to be send to Text and Table documents are in the form of .doc files; Graphs or charts are in the form of .xls files; and Pictures are in the form of .jpg files. A sequence number of 1, 2, etc. should be attached, if including more than one picture; for example Picture1.jpg, Picture2.jpg, etc.  Any inquiries related to publication in AgriTechno journal can be directed to the above email.  

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