The Effect of Thickness and Reversal Frequency of Seaweed Gracilaria sp Drying


sitti aisah
Mursalim Mursalim
Samsuar Samsuar


Marketing of seaweed is still in the form of dried seaweed, but in fact the quality of the dried seaweed
that is sold by farmers has not met the standards required by the seaweed processing industry. One of
the efforts that can be made to improve the quality of dried seaweed is by optimizing drying, namely
by adjusting the thickness and reversal frequency. Pile thickness of will determine the length of time
drying is carried out, while the frequency of reversal will determine the spread of heat that occurs in
the seaweed pile. The aim of this study was to determine the drying speed in seaweed Gracilaria sp
drying and quality of dried sweaweed. The study was conducted with two treatments, namely pile
thickness of 12, 16 and 20 cm and treatment of reversal frequency with an interval of 3 hours, 4 hours
and 5 hours. The parameters observed in this study were a decrease in water content, drying rate, and
sensory test. The results showed that the drying of Gracilaria sp seaweed with a thickness
of 12 cm with a reversal frequency of each 3-4 hours is the best treatment in terms of color / brightness
and good texture with a drying rate of 0.462 kg H2O/kg solids hour.


How to Cite
aisah, sitti, Mursalim, M., & Samsuar, S. (2021). The Effect of Thickness and Reversal Frequency of Seaweed Gracilaria sp Drying. Jurnal Agritechno, 14(1), 42–50.


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