Exploring the nutritional value, health benefits and concerns associates in selected fermented fish product in Southeast Asia: A review


Fermented Fish
Probiotic Fish
Food Preservation
Fish Safety
Fermented Fish Nutrition
Southeast Asian Fish


How to Cite

Binti Atun, M., Binti Julmohammad, N., Huda, N., Bin Roslan, J., Mohd Shariff, A. H., Nisa, F. C., & Yusra. (2024). Exploring the nutritional value, health benefits and concerns associates in selected fermented fish product in Southeast Asia: A review . Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary Journal, 7(2), 94–112. https://doi.org/10.20956/canrea.v7i2.1270


Fermented fish is a staple food in Southeast Asian cuisine with a unique flavor and nutritional properties. This paper provides a comprehensive review of fermented fish, its types and methods of fermentation, nutritional value, health benefits, and risks. The paper highlights traditional and modern methods of fermentation using various types of fish and provides examples of popular fermented fish dishes. The nutritional value of fermented fish is emphasized, including their high protein and amino acid content, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Moreover, fermented fish has demonstrated promising health benefits such as improved cardiovascular health, gut health, and anti-cancer properties. However, high sodium content and potential risks of histamine poisoning, or other foodborne illnesses require caution in the consumption of these foods. The paper concludes by underscoring the cultural and public health significance of fermented fish and highlighting the potential for further research on the health benefits and risks of this traditional food.



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