Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that fall within the scope of the Canrea Journal. Please read the information on the peer-review process. The articles published in Canrea Journal are going through a Single-blind peer-review policies. Hence, the decision on whether the scientific article is accepted or not, will be the Editorial Board’s right based on the peer reviewer's recommendation.
Please read and understand the author's guidelines for the preparation manuscript. The author who submits a manuscript to the editors should comply with the author's guidelines and template. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or using a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before being reviewed. The editorial team will only accept a manuscript that meets the specified formatting requirements.
- Research Articles (2000-8000 words; peer-reviewed)
Research articles present significant new research results, including the entire contents of a research project. Research articles generally include an abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references. - Review Articles (2000-8000 words; peer-reviewed)
Review articles do not cover original research but rather accumulate the results of many different articles on a particular topic into a coherent narrative about state of the art in the emerging field of food, nutrition, and culinary. Review articles provide information about the topic and also provide journal references to the original research.
The sequence of manuscripts following: Title; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Method (for original research articles); Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; Author Contributions; Funding; Institutional Review Board Statement; Data Availability Statement; Conflicts of Interest and References.
Please use the author submission template available online at Canrea Journal website. To use the template, kindly ‘Save As’ the MS Word file to your document, then copy and paste your document. To copy and paste the text into the template, please use ‘Special Paste’ and choose ‘Unformatted Text’. Papers not prepared in accordance with author guidelines and manuscripts with a number of mistakes will have to be pre-rejected by Editor.
Download the ‘Author Submission Template’ DOCX
If your article includes any Videos and/or other Supplementary material, this should be included in your supplementary file at initial submission for peer review purposes.
a. Front Matter
- Title Page
Concise and informative, title of articles are written with Calibri (Body), Bold, size 16, Justify, Sentence case, Line spacing singel, and title should not exceed 21 words.
Author(s) name
The author's name is written in full under the title without mentioning academic titles and positions, bold.
Present the authors' affiliation addresses below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address.
Corresponding author email must be written. - Abstract
A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the methods, the principal results and major conclusions. Font with Calibri (Body) size 10, and preferably not more than 300 words. - Keywords
Keywords arranged by alphabetically, should include 3-6 keywords, keywords separated by a semicolon (;).
- Introduction
The introduction should be clear and provide the issue to be discussed in the manuscript. At the end of the paragraph, the authors should end with a comment on the significance concerning identification of the issue and the objective of research. - Material and Method
Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference (only relevant modifications should be described). Please note that publication of your manuscript implicates that you must make all materials, data, computer code, and protocols associated with the publication available to readers. - Result and Discussion
This section is the most important section of your article. Contains the results of the object of study and should be clear and concise. It should provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results. Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted in perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. - Conclusion
Conclusion contains a description that should answer the objectives of research. Do not repeat the Abstract or simply describe the results of the research. Give a clear explanation regarding the possible application and/or suggestions related to the research findings.
- Acknowledgements
In this section you can acknowledge any support given which is not covered by the author contribution or funding sections. This may include administrative and technical support, or donations in kind (e.g., materials used for experiments). - Author Contributions
Each author must have contributed significantly to the idea or design of the work, the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data, the development of new software used in the work, the writing or substantial revision of the work, AND approval of the submitted version (and version substantially edited by journal staff that incorporates the author's contribution to the study), AND agreement to be personally liable for the author's own contingencies. - Funding
There should be full disclosure of the study's funding sources. Indicate any awards you have received to help with your research efforts, and state whether you have funding to help with publication fees. Be aware that if the donor and grant number are not explicitly and appropriately stated in the publication, some funders will not refund article processing charges (APC). The authors can submit their manuscripts along with separate entries for funding via the submission system. If the work is ultimately published, this financing information will be deposited to FundRef. Please include the following statements in this section: "This research received no external funding" or "This research was supported by [name of funder] grant number [xxx]" and "The APC was supported by [XXX]". Use standard spelling for funding agency names and double-check that the provided information is valid at, as any mistakes could jeopardise your future financing. - Institutional Review Board Statement
For experiments involving people or animals, please include the Institutional Review Board Statement and approval number in this box. Please be aware that the editorial office might need more details from you. Please include "The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of NAME OF INSTITUTE (protocol code XXX and date of approval) and carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki." Alternately, "Ethical review and approval were waived for this study, due to REASON" (please give a thorough explanation). OR "Not relevant" in cases where no humans or animals were included in the study. If neither humans nor animals were included in the study, you can also decide to omit this claim. - Data Availability Statement
Please describe where the data that support the stated results may be accessed in this section, including any URLs to publicly available datasets that were used in the study or created during it. If the study did not present any data, you can decide to exclude this claim. - Conflicts of Interest
The depiction or interpretation of published study results may be deemed to be influenced by an author's personal circumstances or interests, which must be disclosed by the author. In that case, kindly write "The authors declare no conflict of interest." The funding sponsors' involvement in the selection of the research project, the study's design, the data collection, analysis, or interpretation, the drafting of the paper, or the choice to publish the findings must be disclosed in this area.The complete declaration of donor involvement must be carefully considered for any programmes supported by business. Please write "The sponsors had no part in the design, implementation, interpretation, or writing of the study" if there is none. Conflict of Interest has more information in publication ethics.
For submissions to issues published from 2021 onwards, Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutrition, and Culinary Journal uses the Vancouver Style in the References at the end of the manuscript. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Please use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Use other published articlesin the same journal as models. All publications cited in the text should be included in the References section and arranged alphabetically. For example:
- Books
1. Baars T. Regulations and production of raw milk. In: Raw Milk. Elsevier; 2019. p. 65–89.
2. Whitely PR. Biscuit manufacture: fundamentals of in-line production. Springer Science & Business Media; 2012. - Journal
3. Glover SG. The Cheese Biscuit Queen Tells All: Southern Recipes, Sweet Remembrances, and a Little Rambunctious Behavior. Southeast Libr. 2021;69(1):6.
4. Peris M, Escuder-Gilabert L. On-line monitoring of food fermentation processes using electronic noses and electronic tongues: A review. Anal Chim Acta. 2013;804:29–36.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- References using Vancouver style with reference manager. We highly recommend to use Mendeley.
- The manuscript has followed requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- The manuscript has been adjusted as Canrea journal's template.