Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Gasoline and LPG-Powered Water Pumps in Shallow Wells

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Evaluating the Efficacy of Misting for Microclimate Regulation in Greenhouse Environments: A Case Study on Packcoy (Bracissa Rapaa Subsp. Chinensis)

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Investigating the Correlation between Rice Production and RGB Vegetation Index from Drone Imagery and NIR-Based Index from Sentinel Images

Page: 14-21
The Effect of Drying Air Velocity and Grain Mass on the Drying Rate of Inpari 42 Grain in a Fluidized Bed Dryer.

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Dimensional Changes of Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Polyrhizuz) Slices During the Drying Process

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Investigating the Influence of Blanching on the Drying Characteristics and Sorption Isotherm of Cherry Tomatoes (Lycopersicum Esculentum Var. Cerasiforme)

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