SALAGA journal is an academic journal for the publication of original articles and reviews in the field of appropriate technology for agriculture production and processing. The aim of this journal is to provide a forum for academia, researchers, and practitioners in discussing, reviewing, analyzing, and reporting research findings related to appropriate technologies in agriculture production and processing.

Using tools, equipment, and practices that are well-matched to the regional contexts, resources, and farmer needs is referred to as using appropriate technology in agriculture. It seeks to be reasonably priced, long-lasting, and simple to maintain while enhancing production and livelihoods by taking into account environmental and social factors.

  • Editor in Chief: Haerani
  • ISSN (online)3032-2677
  • Frequency: Biannual

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Call for Papers 2025


As an open-access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original research articles and reviews that contribute to the advancement of appropriate technology in agriculture production and processing, the editors of the SALAGA Journal are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the next issue to be published in the June and December editions. We welcome submissions that explore innovative tools, equipment, and practices tailored to regional contexts, resources, and farmer needs.

Submitted papers should fulfill the scope and adhere to the journal's guidelines. All papers will be peer-reviewed following the journal’s typical standards. All papers deemed suitable for publication following the review process will be accepted for publication.

SALAGA Journal welcomes article submissions and does not charge Article Processing Charges (APCs). Authors are not required to pay any article submission fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs (free of charge).

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details and clarifications.

Volume 02, No. 2, December 2024

Published: 2024-12-24

The Effect of Fermentation and Soaking Time on Water Content of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)

 Rahman Sri Wahyuni, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Azis Abdul, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Muhidong Junaedi, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Abstract views: 17
 PDF downloads: 9

  Page: 50 - 57

Application of Fuzzy Control and IoT Monitoring on Small Scale Biofermentor for Making Virgin Coconut Oil

 Ayusari Ayusari, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Waris Abdul, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Sapsal Muhammad Tahir, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Abstract views: 24
 PDF downloads: 34

  Page: 58 - 64

Determination of Rice Field Potential Index Based on Geographic Information System in Gowa Regency

 Desi Rahmatya, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Mahmud Achmad, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Samsuar, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Abstract views: 9
 PDF downloads: 10

  Page: 65 - 72

Performance Test and Operational Cost Analysis of the Jajar Legowo RTP-2040 Rice Transplanter in Padaelo Village, Lamuru District

 Tahir Muhammad Yusuf, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Iqbal, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Mursalim, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Abstract views: 8
 PDF downloads: 6

  Page: 73 - 79

Changes in Coconut Water Quality (Cocos nucifera L) During the Storage Process

 Nurlisa Andini, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Junaedi Muhidong, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Haerani, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Febriana Intan Permata Hati, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Abstract views: 7
 PDF downloads: 5

  Page: 80 - 90

Estimating Corn Productivity Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Spectrometer

 Yeli Oktaviana Liku Liku, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Daniel Daniel, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Nur Faridah Sitti, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
 Abstract views: 8
 PDF downloads: 7

  Page: 91 - 100

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