The Effect of Fermentation and Soaking Time on Water Content of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)

Page: 50 - 57
Application of Fuzzy Control and IoT Monitoring on Small Scale Biofermentor for Making Virgin Coconut Oil

Page: 58 - 64
Determination of Rice Field Potential Index Based on Geographic Information System in Gowa Regency

Page: 65 - 72
Performance Test and Operational Cost Analysis of the Jajar Legowo RTP-2040 Rice Transplanter in Padaelo Village, Lamuru District

Page: 73 - 79
Changes in Coconut Water Quality (Cocos nucifera L) During the Storage Process

Page: 80 - 90
Estimating Corn Productivity Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Spectrometer

Page: 91 - 100