SALAGA journal is an academic journal for the publication of original articles and reviews in the field of appropriate technology for agriculture production and processing. The aim of this journal is to provide a forum for academia, researchers, and practitioners in discussing, reviewing, analyzing, and reporting research findings related to appropriate technologies in agriculture production and processing.
Using tools, equipment, and practices that are well-matched to the regional contexts, resources, and farmer needs is referred to as using appropriate technology in agriculture. It seeks to be reasonably priced, long-lasting, and simple to maintain while enhancing production and livelihoods by taking into account environmental and social factors.
- Editor in Chief: Haerani
- ISSN (online): 3032-2677
- Frequency: Biannual
Current Issue
Volume. 02, No 1, June 2024
Effectiveness of the Application of Drip Irrigation In Some Planting Media for Caisim (Barassica juncea L).

Page: 1 - 9
Cultivation of Caisim Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in The NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) Hydroponic System

Page: 10 - 21
Assessment of the Tertiary Irrigation System in Bulutimorang Irrigation Area, Sidrap Regency

Page: 22 - 31
Performance Evaluation of a No-Husk Corn Sheller: A Case Study at Benteng Tellue Workshop

Page: 32 - 38
Performance Test of Hybrid Corn Seed Sorting Machine Using Vibrating Mechanism

Page: 39 - 43
Aerator system of ventury nozzle in hydroponic for cultivating lettuce plants

Page: 44 - 49