
Ahmad Luqman Hakim
Kavadya Syska
Ropiudin Ropiudin
Asti Dewi Nurhayati
Andri Susanto
Risfa Aulia
Choerul Insani
Diyah Palupi Estiningrum
Kholifatun Istiqomah
Khasan Maskuri
Syella Aditya Ayuningtyas
Akmal Auladi Najib
Ilyas Subekti
Laelatul Qodriyah
Fatimah Wahdah
Yulia Eva Alfiana
Asvi Khirnika
Restu Aji Saripwijaya Pranoto


This research aimed to 1) Determine the characteristics and antioxidant activity of Beluntas Tea with the addition of smashed ginger as a functional beverage; 2) Identify the best formulation for Beluntas tea with ginger as a functional beverage. This research utilized a Completely Randomized Design with two factors: Beluntas tea leaves and smashed ginger with three treatments. The treatments for Beluntas leaves consisted of 70%, 50%, and 30% (w/w). Meanwhile, the treatments for smashed ginger were 30%, 50%, and 70% (w/w). Data were analyzed using ANOVA, and if there were significantly different treatment effects, the Duncan 5% test was applied. Based on the analysis, the treatment with the highest pH value was B3J3 with a value of 7.17. The highest antioxidant value was found in treatment B2J3 with a value of 3.21%, with a Beluntas tea leaves to smashed ginger weight ratio of 1:1.4 g/g. The highest tannin content was observed in treatment B1J1 with a value of 21.85%. The highest yield was obtained from treatment B2J1 with a value of 0.96%. The best treatment based on organoleptic tests was treatment B2J2 with a value of 2.84, which was preferred over the other treatments.


How to Cite
Hakim, A. L., Syska, K., Ropiudin, R., Nurhayati, A. D., Susanto, A., Aulia, R., Insani, C., Estiningrum, D. P., Istiqomah, K., Maskuri, K., Ayuningtyas, S. A., Najib, A. A., Subekti, I., Qodriyah, L., Wahdah, F., Alfiana, Y. E., Khirnika, A., & Pranoto, R. A. S. (2024). KAJIAN KARAKTERISTIK DAN POTENSI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN TEH DAUN BELUNTAS (PLUCHEA INDICA L.) DENGAN PENYERTAAN JAHE SEBAGAI MINUMAN FUNGSIONAL. Jurnal Agritechno, 69–82. Retrieved from https://agritech.unhas.ac.id/ojs/index.php/at/article/view/1299


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